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top-rated damage restoration 591 User Ratings

How To Fix Water Damaged Swollen Wood Floor

How To Fix Water Damaged Swollen Wood Floor

Water-damaged wood floor is caused by water or excessive moisture penetration into the surface or subfloor of a wooden floor, causing it to become warped, discolored, or swollen. This damage can happen due to several reasons such as water leaks, water flooding, or even excess humidity in the environment. When the water penetrates the wooden floor surface, it can cause the wood to expand, leading to warping and swelling. If left untreated, water damage can cause permanent damage to the wood floor and even create a favorable environment for mold and mildew growth. 
It's important to address water damage to wood floors as soon as possible to prevent further damage and potential hazards.
Water can weaken the structural integrity of the wood, causing it to become weakened, brittle, and susceptible to cracking or breaking. So having a proper water damage clean up and Water Damage Restoration is very important.

Disadvantages of Water Damage

Water damage to wood floors can have significant disadvantages, and it's important to address the issue as soon as possible to prevent further water damage and hazards. There are many disadvantages of water damage if not treated very well, those disadvantages are as follows:

Wood Structural damage: 

Water can weaken the structural integrity of the wood, causing it to become weakened, brittle, and susceptible to cracking or breaking.

Mold and mildew growth under wooden flooring: 

Water damage can create an ideal environment for mold and mildew to grow underneath the floor. This can lead to health problems for residents and cause unpleasant odors in the home. Water damage caused the wood floor to be swollen.

Increased risk of accidents: 

Water-damaged swollen and warped wood floors can create an uneven surface, making it more likely for residents to trip and fall. This is especially dangerous for children and elderly residents.

Decreased aesthetic appeal: 

Water damage can cause wood floors to become discolored, stained, or warped, making them less attractive and reducing the value of the property.

Increased costs: 

Repairing water-damaged swollen wood floors can be expensive, especially if the damage is extensive. This can include the cost of repairs, sanding, refinishing, and potential replacement of the affected areas.

Steps to fix water-damaged swollen wood floor:

Water damage to wood floors can cause the wood to become swollen and warped, and if left unaddressed, can lead to further damage and potential hazards. Here are some steps to fix water-damaged swollen wood floors:
Here are a few steps you can take to fix water damaged swollen wood floor:

Remove any standing water or moisture on the wooden floor:

The first step is to remove any standing water or moisture from the affected area. You can use a wet/dry vacuum or towels to soak up the water from the floor

Dry the wooden floor: 

Once you have removed as much water as possible, use fans and dehumidifiers to dry out the area. Make sure to keep the fans and dehumidifiers running until the wood is completely dry. This may take several days.

Assess the damage: 

Once the wood floor is dry, assess the damage to determine the extent of the swelling and warping. If the damage is minor, you may be able to sand down the affected area to restore its original shape.

Sand down the affected/damaged floor: 

Use a sander to remove the swollen and warped parts of the wood flooring. Make sure to sand down the floor area until it is smooth and even.

Refinish the wood flooring: 

Once you have sanded down the affected area, you can refinish the wood to match the surrounding floor. You can use a wood stain and sealant to restore the original look of the floor.

Prevent future water damage: 

To prevent your wooden floor from future water damage, make sure to address any leaks or moisture issues in your home. You can also use a sealant or waterproofing product to protect your floors from future water damage.
It's important to note that if the damage is severe, it may be necessary to replace the affected area of the floor. In this case, it's best to consult with a professional flooring contractor to ensure the job is done correctly.